How To Make Money Using an Udemy Online Teaching Course A few decades ago, it was hard to find a good teacher. The only option that you had was to look for one in your area because the Internet was not available at that time. Nowadays, the internet has made it a lot easier to learn from the comfort of home. If you have been thinking of taking a certain course to hone your skills, we suggest that you check out Udemy. Let's find out how people make money on Udemy by launching courses through websites. Read on to know more. What Is Udemy? Basically, this platform brings both students and teachers together. As a matter of fact, Udemy is one of the top platforms for online courses. It offers a lot of free tools and support for instructors to develop courses and make money from them. Udemy allows anyone to create a course and offer it to everyone across the globe through its platform. Nowadays, the platform has more than 15 million students from more than 190 countries. Moreover, it has courses in more than 80 languages. Launching a Course If you want to submit a course on Udemy, you may want to follow the steps below. We will talk about each step in detail so you can get started without any problem. Sign up First of all, you may want to go to the home page of Udemy and sign up for an account, which will cost you nothing. As soon as you have signed up, you can access tons of free as well as paid courses. Course creation After signing up, you can hit the "Teaching" button. The "Create a course" button will show up that you can press to create a course and become a tutor. Udemy revenue model For course creation, Udemy won't charge you any fee. On the other hand, for selling, you do have to consider the revenue model offered by the platform. Let's find out more about the revenue model. Instructor promotion After a lead generation, the entire revenue goes to the course instructor. For instance, if a lead is generated through the coupon code given by the course creator, the instructor will get the revenue. Organic traffic If the course buyer comes to the platform through organic traffic, 50% of the revenue will go to the course creator. And the rest will go to the website. So, there is a lot of money to be made even if you don't use other means to get the word about your courses. Other revenue sharing model This revenue sharing ratio can be between 25% and 97%. Actually, the ratio is based on the fact whether the customer comes to the platform via deals, ads or affiliates. So, based on these factors, the revenue can be more or less. Resources for Udemy Udemy helps you throughout the process. Whether you are going to create a course or you want to promote, the platform has resources for you. Udemy offers tons of free resources that help you make your course a success. As a matter of fact, the free resources on this platform are on the list of the best advantages of Udemy, as they help you make money from your course without too much struggle. So, if you have been thinking of creating a course and publishing it on Udemy, we suggest that you take into account the advice given in this article. Just make sure your course is interesting and it can help your students learn new things. And that's all you need in order to sell your courses and make a lot of money.

Ancaman Serius Untuk yang Suka Merebut Tanah Orang Lain

Memiliki lahan di atas tanah sendiri tentu menjadi salah satu kenikmatan yang harus disyukuri.
Dengan mempunyai tanah, seseorang bisa membangun rumah, bercocok tanam dan menjadi harta untuk diwariskan kepada anak atau cucu-cucunya.
Berbicara tentang tanah, banyak dampak sosial yang muncul dari jenis harta yang satu ini.
Tidak dipungkiri, dengan melangitnya harga tanah, membuat banyak pihak tergiur untuk memilkinya. Bahkan dengan cara-cara yang tidak halal.
Meskipun tanah itu pada hakikatnya adalah miliki Allah, namun Dia sudah menitipkan kepada orang yang dikehendaki.
Balasan orang yang mengambil tanah pun tidak main-main. Meski hanya sejengkal, orang yang merebut tanah orang lain akan mendapat balasan yang pedih. Seperti apa? Berikut ulasannya.
Banyak kasus perebutan tanah yang marak terjadi saat ini. Bahkan di antara mereka ada yang merampas secara paksa tanah orang lain untuk dimiliki demi kepentingan pribadi.
Padahal sebenarnya orang yang mengambil tanah secara paksa, walaupun hanya sejengkal akan diberi ganjaran oleh Allah di akhirat kelak.
Dalam Ash-Shahihain, dari Sa’ad bi Zaid dan selainnya, dari Rasullah SAW bersabda:
“Barangsiapa mengambil sejengkal tanah secara zalim, maka Allah akan mengalunginya dengan tujuh bumi (pada hari kiamat)” (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim).
Sungguh menakutkan balasan yang akan diperoleh ketika seseorang merampas tanah orang lain ataupu hal lainnya dengan cara paksa dan zalim.
Bukan hanya siksa di dunia saja yang akan diperoleh, namun siksa di akhirat juga sudah menanti. Bahkan, mereka akan masuk ke dalam neraka karena perbuatannya tersebut. Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
“Barangsiapa merampas hak seorang muslim dengan sumpahnya, maka Allah mewajibkan dia masuk neraka dan mengharamkan baginya surga,” maka salah seorang bertanya,”Meskipun sedikit, wahai Rasulullah?” Rasulullah menjawab,”Ya, meskipun hanya setangkai kayu sugi (siwak).” [HR Muslim]
Perbuatan suka mengambil secara zalim hak orang lain itu biasa dikenal kenal ghasb. Menurut istilah, ghasb memiliki pengertian mengambil atau menguasai sesuatu secara zalim dan aniaya tanpa hak.
Perbuatan ini tentu saja dilarang oleh Allah SWT dan termasuk dalam kategori haram. Allah Ta’ala berfirman:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُم بَيْنَكُم بِالْبَاطِلِ
“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu saling memakan harta sesamamu dengan jalan yang batil,” (QS. an-Nisaa’: 29).
Di samping itu Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:
“Tidak halal mengambil harta seorang muslim kecuali dengan kerelaan dirinya,” (HR. Abu Dawud dan Daruquthni, dishahihkan oleh Syaikh al-Albani dalam Shahihul Jami’ no. 7662).
Demikianlah ulasan mengenai balasan yang akan diperoleh perampas tanah orang lain secara paksa dan zalim.
Setelah mengetahui hal ini, janganlah sekali-kali mencoba mengambil yang bukan hak kita meskipun hanya sedikit.
Ingatlah bahwa Allah memiliki siksa yang amat pedih bagi orang-orang yang berbuat zalim.

How To Make Money Using an Udemy Online Teaching Course A few decades ago, it was hard to find a good teacher. The only option that you had was to look for one in your area because the Internet was not available at that time. Nowadays, the internet has made it a lot easier to learn from the comfort of home. If you have been thinking of taking a certain course to hone your skills, we suggest that you check out Udemy. Let's find out how people make money on Udemy by launching courses through websites. Read on to know more. What Is Udemy? Basically, this platform brings both students and teachers together. As a matter of fact, Udemy is one of the top platforms for online courses. It offers a lot of free tools and support for instructors to develop courses and make money from them. Udemy allows anyone to create a course and offer it to everyone across the globe through its platform. Nowadays, the platform has more than 15 million students from more than 190 countries. Moreover, it has courses in more than 80 languages. Launching a Course If you want to submit a course on Udemy, you may want to follow the steps below. We will talk about each step in detail so you can get started without any problem. Sign up First of all, you may want to go to the home page of Udemy and sign up for an account, which will cost you nothing. As soon as you have signed up, you can access tons of free as well as paid courses. Course creation After signing up, you can hit the "Teaching" button. The "Create a course" button will show up that you can press to create a course and become a tutor. Udemy revenue model For course creation, Udemy won't charge you any fee. On the other hand, for selling, you do have to consider the revenue model offered by the platform. Let's find out more about the revenue model. Instructor promotion After a lead generation, the entire revenue goes to the course instructor. For instance, if a lead is generated through the coupon code given by the course creator, the instructor will get the revenue. Organic traffic If the course buyer comes to the platform through organic traffic, 50% of the revenue will go to the course creator. And the rest will go to the website. So, there is a lot of money to be made even if you don't use other means to get the word about your courses. Other revenue sharing model This revenue sharing ratio can be between 25% and 97%. Actually, the ratio is based on the fact whether the customer comes to the platform via deals, ads or affiliates. So, based on these factors, the revenue can be more or less. Resources for Udemy Udemy helps you throughout the process. Whether you are going to create a course or you want to promote, the platform has resources for you. Udemy offers tons of free resources that help you make your course a success. As a matter of fact, the free resources on this platform are on the list of the best advantages of Udemy, as they help you make money from your course without too much struggle. So, if you have been thinking of creating a course and publishing it on Udemy, we suggest that you take into account the advice given in this article. Just make sure your course is interesting and it can help your students learn new things. And that's all you need in order to sell your courses and make a lot of money.

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How To Make Money Using an Udemy Online Teaching Course A few decades ago, it was hard to find a good teacher. The only option that you had was to look for one in your area because the Internet was not available at that time. Nowadays, the internet has made it a lot easier to learn from the comfort of home. If you have been thinking of taking a certain course to hone your skills, we suggest that you check out Udemy. Let's find out how people make money on Udemy by launching courses through websites. Read on to know more. What Is Udemy? Basically, this platform brings both students and teachers together. As a matter of fact, Udemy is one of the top platforms for online courses. It offers a lot of free tools and support for instructors to develop courses and make money from them. Udemy allows anyone to create a course and offer it to everyone across the globe through its platform. Nowadays, the platform has more than 15 million students from more than 190 countries. Moreover, it has courses in more than 80 languages. Launching a Course If you want to submit a course on Udemy, you may want to follow the steps below. We will talk about each step in detail so you can get started without any problem. Sign up First of all, you may want to go to the home page of Udemy and sign up for an account, which will cost you nothing. As soon as you have signed up, you can access tons of free as well as paid courses. Course creation After signing up, you can hit the "Teaching" button. The "Create a course" button will show up that you can press to create a course and become a tutor. Udemy revenue model For course creation, Udemy won't charge you any fee. On the other hand, for selling, you do have to consider the revenue model offered by the platform. Let's find out more about the revenue model. Instructor promotion After a lead generation, the entire revenue goes to the course instructor. For instance, if a lead is generated through the coupon code given by the course creator, the instructor will get the revenue. Organic traffic If the course buyer comes to the platform through organic traffic, 50% of the revenue will go to the course creator. And the rest will go to the website. So, there is a lot of money to be made even if you don't use other means to get the word about your courses. Other revenue sharing model This revenue sharing ratio can be between 25% and 97%. Actually, the ratio is based on the fact whether the customer comes to the platform via deals, ads or affiliates. So, based on these factors, the revenue can be more or less. Resources for Udemy Udemy helps you throughout the process. Whether you are going to create a course or you want to promote, the platform has resources for you. Udemy offers tons of free resources that help you make your course a success. As a matter of fact, the free resources on this platform are on the list of the best advantages of Udemy, as they help you make money from your course without too much struggle. So, if you have been thinking of creating a course and publishing it on Udemy, we suggest that you take into account the advice given in this article. Just make sure your course is interesting and it can help your students learn new things. And that's all you need in order to sell your courses and make a lot of money.