How To Make Money Using an Udemy Online Teaching Course A few decades ago, it was hard to find a good teacher. The only option that you had was to look for one in your area because the Internet was not available at that time. Nowadays, the internet has made it a lot easier to learn from the comfort of home. If you have been thinking of taking a certain course to hone your skills, we suggest that you check out Udemy. Let's find out how people make money on Udemy by launching courses through websites. Read on to know more. What Is Udemy? Basically, this platform brings both students and teachers together. As a matter of fact, Udemy is one of the top platforms for online courses. It offers a lot of free tools and support for instructors to develop courses and make money from them. Udemy allows anyone to create a course and offer it to everyone across the globe through its platform. Nowadays, the platform has more than 15 million students from more than 190 countries. Moreover, it has courses in more than 80 languages. Launching a Course If you want to submit a course on Udemy, you may want to follow the steps below. We will talk about each step in detail so you can get started without any problem. Sign up First of all, you may want to go to the home page of Udemy and sign up for an account, which will cost you nothing. As soon as you have signed up, you can access tons of free as well as paid courses. Course creation After signing up, you can hit the "Teaching" button. The "Create a course" button will show up that you can press to create a course and become a tutor. Udemy revenue model For course creation, Udemy won't charge you any fee. On the other hand, for selling, you do have to consider the revenue model offered by the platform. Let's find out more about the revenue model. Instructor promotion After a lead generation, the entire revenue goes to the course instructor. For instance, if a lead is generated through the coupon code given by the course creator, the instructor will get the revenue. Organic traffic If the course buyer comes to the platform through organic traffic, 50% of the revenue will go to the course creator. And the rest will go to the website. So, there is a lot of money to be made even if you don't use other means to get the word about your courses. Other revenue sharing model This revenue sharing ratio can be between 25% and 97%. Actually, the ratio is based on the fact whether the customer comes to the platform via deals, ads or affiliates. So, based on these factors, the revenue can be more or less. Resources for Udemy Udemy helps you throughout the process. Whether you are going to create a course or you want to promote, the platform has resources for you. Udemy offers tons of free resources that help you make your course a success. As a matter of fact, the free resources on this platform are on the list of the best advantages of Udemy, as they help you make money from your course without too much struggle. So, if you have been thinking of creating a course and publishing it on Udemy, we suggest that you take into account the advice given in this article. Just make sure your course is interesting and it can help your students learn new things. And that's all you need in order to sell your courses and make a lot of money.

Menyentuh Kemaluan Membatalkan Wudhu’, Ini Penjelasannya

Menyentuh kemaluan, yaitu qubul atau dubur. Menurut pendapat ulama madzhab Hanafi, wudhu tidak akan batal karena menyentuh kemaluan. Akan tetapi menurut jumhur ulama, wudhu menjadi batal karena menyentuh kemaluan.
Menyentuh kemaluan, yaitu qubul atau dubur. Menurut pendapat ulama madzhab Hanafi, wudhu tidak akan batal karena menyentuh kemaluan. Akan tetapi menurut jumhur ulama, wudhu menjadi batal karena menyentuh kemaluan. Penjelasan pendapat tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.
Ulama madzhab Hanafi mengatakan wudhu tidak batal dengan menyentuh farji atau penis. Pendapat ini berdasarkan hadits riwayat Thalq bin Ali, “Seorang laki-laki telah menyentuh penisnya, apakah ia wajib berwudhu?” Rasul bersabda,
“Ia adalah sepotong daging pada (tubuh) kamu.”
Diriwayatkan dari Umar, Ali, Ibnu Mas`ud, Ibnu Abbas, Zaid bin Tsabit, Imran bin Husain, Hudzaifah ibnul Yaman, Abu Darda`, dan Abu Hurairah r.a., mereka menetapkan bahwa menyentuh penis itu tidak menyebabkan hadats hingga Ali pernah berkata, “Aku tidak peduli jika aku menyentuhnya atau dia menyentuh tepi hidungku.”
Ulama madzhab Maliki mengatakan bahwa wudhu menjadi batal dengan sebab menyentuh penis (dzakar). Namun, menyentuh dubur tidaklah menyebabkan batalnya wudhu.
Menurut pandangan mereka, menyentuh penis yang masih bersambung dengan pemiliknya saja yang membatalkan wudhu, adapun penis yang sudah terputus tidak membatalkan.
Sentuhan itu terjadi baik menimbulkan kenikmatan atau tidak, sengaja menyentuh atau karena terlupa, jika memang tanpa ada alas/penghalang apa pun.
Sentuhan itu dianggap jika dilakukan dengan batin telapak tangan atau dengan bagian tepinya, batin jari atau bagian tepinya.
Namun apabila menyentuhnya itu dengan menggunakan bagian punggung telapak tangan, maka hal itu tidak menyebabkan batal wudhu.
Juga menyebabkan batalnya wudhu, jika seseorang memegang kelaminnya dengan jari yang melebihi jumlah yang lima, jika memang jari itu mempunyai rasa dan mampu bergerak seperti jari-jari yang lain.
Hukum batalnya wudhu akibat menyentuh penis ini terjadi jika orang yang melakukannya sudah baligh. Dengan kata lain jika yang menyentuh penis adalah anak-anak, maka perbuatannya itu tidak membatalkan wudhunya.
Maksud sentuhan yang dilakukan oleh seorang yang baligh adalah sentuhan dengan batin tela- pak tangan atau jari-jarinya.
Wudhu tidak menjadi batal sebab menyentuh lubang (halaqah) dubur atau dua buah pelir (yang berada di bawah batang penis), seorang wanita yang menyentuh vaginanya (farjinya) juga tidak batal wudhunya, walaupun dia memasukkan satu jari ataupun lebih ke dalam vaginanya.
Wudhu juga tidak menjadi batal akibat menyentuh penis anak-anak ataupun orang dewasa yang lain.
Dalil mereka adalah sebuah hadits, “Barangsiapa menyentuh penisnya, maka janganlah dia shalat kecuali sesudah dia berwudhu.”
Hadits yang lain,
“Barangsiapa memegang penisnya dengan tangannya tanpa beralas, maka wajib bagi dia untuk berwudhu.”
Ulama madzhab Syafi`i dan Hambali berpendapat, wudhu menjadi batal dengan menyentuh kemaluan anak Adam (baik itu penis, dubur, ataupun qubul [farji] perempuan), baik kemaluan itu kepunyaan sendiri atau milik orang lain, milik orang kecil atau besar, milik orang yang masih hidup ataupun yang sudah mati.
Mengqiyaskan dubur dengan penis adalah menurut qaul al-jadid Imam Syafi`i. Hukum ini berlaku dengan syarat sentuhan itu dilakukan dengan batin telapak tangan (yaitu batin telapak tangan dan juga batin jari-jarinya).
Oleh sebab itu, wudhu tidak batal apabila sentuhan itu dilakukan dengan bagian punggung tangan, tepi ujung jari, dan bagian-bagian tepi jari.
Artinya, yang membatalkan adalah bagian yang terlindung ketika batin sebuah telapak tangan dirapatkan kepada batin telapak tangan yang satunya.
Dalam masalah ini, ulama madzhab Syafi`i sependapat dengan ulama madzhab Maliki, karena bagian belakang/punggung telapak tangan bukanlah alat untuk menyentuh sesuatu, sehingga sentuhan dengan punggung telapak tangan disamakan dengan sentuhan yang dilakukan menggunakan paha.
Ulama madzhab Hambali tidak membedakan antara batin telapak ta¬ngan dengan bagian punggungnya. Hal ini berdasarkan hadits yang berkaitan dengan hukum menyentuh yang telah disebutkan,
“Apabila salah satu di antara kamu menyentuh kemaluannya (farjihi) dengan tangan dan tidak terdapat alas di antara kedua-duanya, maka hendaklah ia berwudhu.”
Bagian punggung tangannya adalah termasuk anggota tangan dan dapat membatalkan wudhu, yaitu jika me¬nyentuh tanpa penghalang.
Dalil yang digunakan ulama madzhab Syafi`i dan Hambali adalah dua hadits yang telah disebutkan terdahulu, yaitu hadits riwayat Busrah binti Shafwan dan Ummu Habibah,
“Barangsiapa menyentuh penisnya (dzakarahu), maka hendaklah dia berwudhu.”
Dalam lafal yang lain Rasul bersabda, “Barangsiapa menyentuh vaginanya (farjahu), hendaklah dia berwudhu.”
Juga, hadits riwayat Abu Hurairah, “Apabila salah satu di antara kamu menyentuh penisnya dzakarahu? tanpa alas, maka wajiblah ia berwudhu.”
Dalam lafal yang lain, “Apabila salah satu di antara kamu menyentuh vaginanya [farjihi)….”
Arti kata farjun mencakup dua kemaluan, yaitu kemaluan depan (qubul) dan kemaluan belakang (dubur). Dikarenakan dubur merupakan salah satu di antara dua kemaluan tersebut, maka ia sama seperti penis.
Wudhu perempuan juga menjadi batal jika dia menyentuh qubulnya. Hal ini berdasarkan keumuman maksud hadits riwayat Basrah dan Ummu Habibah, “Siapa yang menyentuh kemaluannya (farjahu), maka wajiblah dia berwudhu.”
Juga, berdasarkan hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Amru bin Syu`aib, dari bapaknya, dari kakeknya,
“Lelaki yang menyentuh kemaluannya (farjahu), maka wajiblah ia berwudhu dan perempuan yang menyentuh kemaluannya (farjaha), maka wajiblah ia berwudhu.”
Menurut penulis, pendapat yang rajih adalah pendapat jumhur selain ulama madzhab Hanafi, karena hadits yang diriwayatkan Thalq bin Ali ada¬lah hadits dhaif atau telah di-mansukh.
Ia dianggap lemah oleh asy-Syafi`i, Abu Hatim, Abu Zur`ah, ad-Daruquthni, al- Baihaqi, dan Ibnul Jauzi. Ia dianggap sebagai hadits yang di-mansukh oleh Ibnu Hibban, ath-Thabrani, Ibnul Arabi, al-Hazimi, dan yang lainnya.

How To Make Money Using an Udemy Online Teaching Course A few decades ago, it was hard to find a good teacher. The only option that you had was to look for one in your area because the Internet was not available at that time. Nowadays, the internet has made it a lot easier to learn from the comfort of home. If you have been thinking of taking a certain course to hone your skills, we suggest that you check out Udemy. Let's find out how people make money on Udemy by launching courses through websites. Read on to know more. What Is Udemy? Basically, this platform brings both students and teachers together. As a matter of fact, Udemy is one of the top platforms for online courses. It offers a lot of free tools and support for instructors to develop courses and make money from them. Udemy allows anyone to create a course and offer it to everyone across the globe through its platform. Nowadays, the platform has more than 15 million students from more than 190 countries. Moreover, it has courses in more than 80 languages. Launching a Course If you want to submit a course on Udemy, you may want to follow the steps below. We will talk about each step in detail so you can get started without any problem. Sign up First of all, you may want to go to the home page of Udemy and sign up for an account, which will cost you nothing. As soon as you have signed up, you can access tons of free as well as paid courses. Course creation After signing up, you can hit the "Teaching" button. The "Create a course" button will show up that you can press to create a course and become a tutor. Udemy revenue model For course creation, Udemy won't charge you any fee. On the other hand, for selling, you do have to consider the revenue model offered by the platform. Let's find out more about the revenue model. Instructor promotion After a lead generation, the entire revenue goes to the course instructor. For instance, if a lead is generated through the coupon code given by the course creator, the instructor will get the revenue. Organic traffic If the course buyer comes to the platform through organic traffic, 50% of the revenue will go to the course creator. And the rest will go to the website. So, there is a lot of money to be made even if you don't use other means to get the word about your courses. Other revenue sharing model This revenue sharing ratio can be between 25% and 97%. Actually, the ratio is based on the fact whether the customer comes to the platform via deals, ads or affiliates. So, based on these factors, the revenue can be more or less. Resources for Udemy Udemy helps you throughout the process. Whether you are going to create a course or you want to promote, the platform has resources for you. Udemy offers tons of free resources that help you make your course a success. As a matter of fact, the free resources on this platform are on the list of the best advantages of Udemy, as they help you make money from your course without too much struggle. So, if you have been thinking of creating a course and publishing it on Udemy, we suggest that you take into account the advice given in this article. Just make sure your course is interesting and it can help your students learn new things. And that's all you need in order to sell your courses and make a lot of money.

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How To Make Money Using an Udemy Online Teaching Course A few decades ago, it was hard to find a good teacher. The only option that you had was to look for one in your area because the Internet was not available at that time. Nowadays, the internet has made it a lot easier to learn from the comfort of home. If you have been thinking of taking a certain course to hone your skills, we suggest that you check out Udemy. Let's find out how people make money on Udemy by launching courses through websites. Read on to know more. What Is Udemy? Basically, this platform brings both students and teachers together. As a matter of fact, Udemy is one of the top platforms for online courses. It offers a lot of free tools and support for instructors to develop courses and make money from them. Udemy allows anyone to create a course and offer it to everyone across the globe through its platform. Nowadays, the platform has more than 15 million students from more than 190 countries. Moreover, it has courses in more than 80 languages. Launching a Course If you want to submit a course on Udemy, you may want to follow the steps below. We will talk about each step in detail so you can get started without any problem. Sign up First of all, you may want to go to the home page of Udemy and sign up for an account, which will cost you nothing. As soon as you have signed up, you can access tons of free as well as paid courses. Course creation After signing up, you can hit the "Teaching" button. The "Create a course" button will show up that you can press to create a course and become a tutor. Udemy revenue model For course creation, Udemy won't charge you any fee. On the other hand, for selling, you do have to consider the revenue model offered by the platform. Let's find out more about the revenue model. Instructor promotion After a lead generation, the entire revenue goes to the course instructor. For instance, if a lead is generated through the coupon code given by the course creator, the instructor will get the revenue. Organic traffic If the course buyer comes to the platform through organic traffic, 50% of the revenue will go to the course creator. And the rest will go to the website. So, there is a lot of money to be made even if you don't use other means to get the word about your courses. Other revenue sharing model This revenue sharing ratio can be between 25% and 97%. Actually, the ratio is based on the fact whether the customer comes to the platform via deals, ads or affiliates. So, based on these factors, the revenue can be more or less. Resources for Udemy Udemy helps you throughout the process. Whether you are going to create a course or you want to promote, the platform has resources for you. Udemy offers tons of free resources that help you make your course a success. As a matter of fact, the free resources on this platform are on the list of the best advantages of Udemy, as they help you make money from your course without too much struggle. So, if you have been thinking of creating a course and publishing it on Udemy, we suggest that you take into account the advice given in this article. Just make sure your course is interesting and it can help your students learn new things. And that's all you need in order to sell your courses and make a lot of money.